Mobile Education Program 

The Wenas Mammoth Foundation can bring our educational program to you!

"Thank you for bringing the mammoth classroom to Mount Vernon High School's Science Night! We also had Bronwyn & Doug do a lesson with all of our Biology and Physical Science classes. All the kids went through the mammoth classroom as well. The kids were excited and interested, and it was a great couple of days at MVHS! Thank you!"

WMF's Mobile Educational Exhibit

The WMF's goal is to give kids the opportunity to learn about their local state Ice Age history, see real fossils, and touch a real mammoth tusk. 

The mobile exhibit has displays that support the WMF's curriculum.  It includes fossils and casts, geological samples including petrified wood and volcanic sediment samples, as well as informational posters. The mobile exhibit is always occupied by a knowledgeable guide to answer any questions that may arise. 

When we attend school science fairs, community or group events who may have a specific event focus, we can adjust the exhibits towards that specific interest.  The displays and lessons can also be adjusted to fit the teacher's needs.

WMF's Classroom Lessons and Presentations

We have developed lesson plans that enhance Next Generation Science Standards for each grade level. The classes and lessons are available to teachers through the Wenas Mammoth Foundation and Google Classroom. All lessons can be tailored to meet the needs of the individual instructor and grade level.  Our goal is to give teachers the knowledge and resources to bring local earth science into their classrooms. They can teach the lessons by accessing our curriculum on-line, or schedule one of our qualified instructors to visit the classroom.  Teacher can bring the subject to life by introducing the lessons to the students, then scheduling the WMF's Mobile Educational Exhibit to visit their school, or a tour at the dig site. 

WMF's Hands-on Activities

The WMF is constantly developing hands-on educational activities that support our educational goals.  These activities bring paleontology fun for all ages.  Activity examples include:
Screen Sifting Box – learn the skill of sifting dirt for artifacts
Brush Boxes – learn the methods of safely exposing delicate fossils and identifying what was discovered
Fossil Imprints – making fossil imprints into clay
Mammoth Skeleton – understanding the skeleton by assembling a 3D puzzle
Mammoth Skeleton – understanding the skeleton by assembling a large puzzle
Measuring – reading a measuring tape, using centimeters, to document the length of a fossil
Setting-up an excavation unit – using math to be sure the unit is square
Identifying Teeth- browsers from grazers
Yarn Mammoth - adding yarn to the mammoth
Penny Press – pressing mammoth imprint on a penny 

The Wenas Mammoth Foundation and STEM

2022 Central WA State Fair and STEM (Science, Technology, Art, Math) Education

The Wenas Mammoth Foundation and the ESD105 STEM Program were set up at the Central WA State Fair in Pioneer Hall.  The WMF's Mobile Exhibit was outside and we had the penny press and the brush boxes set up inside the building.  Thank you to everyone who had stopped by to learn about STEM education, and to all of our volunteers!  We really appreciate the CWSF and ESD105 STEM Program for their continued support of the WMF's Educational Program.

Bringing local earth science to our schools and communities

WMF's School and Event Scheduling Form

Click and the links below to access the scheduling form or to Donate

Volunteers Needed!

Would you like to join our team of volunteers and bring the exciting and fun world of local earth science to our teachers, youth, and communities? Click the button below to complete the Volunteer Application.

Volunteer Application
  • Monday - Sunday
    Appointments only